Patagonia quartzite: an amazing natural stone

Patagonia quartzite is one of the most particular and scenographic stones existing in nature. A stone characterised by strength and hardness with graphic effects of extraordinary beauty.
The slabs of this material are characterised by an extraordinary mix of shapes and colours: some parts of white, black, beige and brown, alternating with other shades of translucent grey quartz and crossed by golden veins. The variety of elements we find in Patagonia quartzite is due to the different rocks and minerals that take part to its formation.
It is in fact a volcanic stone extracted in South America, particularly in Brazil. The geological elements that are widespread in these territories are due to millions of years of seismic and volcanic activity. The magma, slowly rising towards the surface, gradually cools and become crystallised, assimilating the different materials inside that form the surface of Patagonia quartzite.
Its unique characteristics make it a valuable material, suitable for refined interiors. Some of the most exceptional creations of contemporary design include Patagonia quartzite, which is becoming increasingly trendy. The brilliance of its surface, sometimes sparkling, and its mix of colours make this natural stone a stunning element, suitable for both private and public spaces.
The ideal use of Patagonia quartzite is for interiors: its hardness and resistance properties make it particularly suitable for kitchen tops, tables, coffee tables and bathroom surfaces.
Furthermore, due to the mix of colours and rocks, this stone performs better when used in large formats, in order to point out all its features.
Patagonia quartzite is not only a wonderful stone, but it is also a very resistant and long-lasting material, which makes it extremely practical since it does not require much maintenance.
For the finishes feasible to this natural stone, as for all materials that have translucent parts, it is preferable to apply the polished one, but it is also possible to make a honed or leather finish if requested.
Patagonia quartzite can be backlit as well. In this application, only the quartz areas shine, creating a sensational partial lighting effect.
Discover Patagonia quartzite in our online stock or contact us to ask for a free consultation: we will help you choosing best slab and finding the right way to embellish your project with this stunning natural stone.
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